We can help with your Medical Hair Loss
Alopecia is the medical description for the loss of hair from the head or body. It is often sudden and unpredictable with varying degrees of severity; thinning, patches or complete baldness. Alopecia can be caused by a number of different conditions such as being stress induced, chemotherapy treatment, iron deficiency; it can be age related or even hereditary.
For many, the experience of hair loss can have a significant traumatic impact on their confidence and self-esteem. Commonly seen only as an unfortunate side effect, it is frequently given little regard or consideration despite the devastating additional burden it can present. However, it does not need to be that way.
There have been considerable modern advancements that can assist in regaining that confidence. It is widely accepted that a wig or hairpiece (topper, toupee) can provide a solution and today, they are better than ever. New materials provide realistic texture, curl and wonderful colours, offering a vast choice in styles which can be worn securely and comfortably for much longer periods of time due to ultra-lightweight bases. With careful consideration in selection and applying additional personal styling, by cutting, texturing, and tailoring the finish, they can provide fantastic results.
At Long for Hair, we truly understand just how hard it can be coming to terms with hair loss. That’s why we offer a discreet and friendly consultation based service where we delicately discuss your options and help to find the right solution that suits you. We strive to maintain your confidence, your self-esteem and boost your well-being.
Call us today to book a no obligation consultation on:
01235 815499 or get in touch through longforhair@live.com